To kick off Congo Week at Community United Church of Christ in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Sunday October 19th, the Sunday Forum welcomed Kambale Musavuli, campus coordinator of Friends of the Congo. Congo Week, "Breaking the Silence", is an international campus-based initiative to join in solidarity with the people of the Congo in "breaking the silence" about the devastating situation there where nearly 6 million people have died in the last 12 year while the world watched and western companies profited.
Kambale Musavuli, a Congolese activist from Greensboro, is working to bring an end to the exploitation of the Congolese people and its land.
Community United Church of Christ has a long standing commitment to social and economic justice. The Sunday Forum brings community leaders, public policy experts and activists to a weekly discussion of issues facing our community and nation with the goal of educating the public and increasing advocacy and activism. The Forum met in Vaughan Fellowship Hall at Community UCC which is located at 814 Dixie Trail, Raleigh (corner of Wade Avenue and Dixie Trail).
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina.