Congo Week 2024

A glimpse of the experiences of the Daughters of Congo

In the name of raising awareness about the ongoing war in D. R. Congo, the students at the College of New Rochelle got a chance to watch the movie 'The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo' on 20th October, 2008. The trauma in the eyes of the women who faced such victimization is surreal! Yet they have such strong souls that can't be crushed by their predators. Indeed, the future of Congo does lie in the hands of hte women and children, who are the true jewels on the country. Hence the quest to protect and empower the daughters of the Congo is an undoubtable goal. The efforts of such organizations like Women for Women and Panzi Hospital are laudible and provide a platfrom where students like us for instance can join in the quest in preserving the future of the Congo.