Congo Week 2024

Events Calendar

Beekeeping: A Novel Way To Build Resilient and Sustainable Communities in the Congo
Saturday, October 22, 2022, 11:00am - 01:00pm


Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources, from rainforests, wildlife and favorable weather. The continent in general and the Congo Basin in particular offers an ideal environment for beekeeping. It can readily be initiated using local resources. A collection of diverse organizations have entered into a partnership with indigenous Congolese communities to introduce beekeeping as a means for rendering local communities sustainable, protecting the environment and enhancing livelihood. The panelists will share how other formations can be a part of the undertaking, provide an overview of beekeeping and its importance to the African continent and elaborate on the effort being undertaken by local Congolese to make beekeeping a fundamental part of their development initiatives.

Maurice Carney, Executive Director, FOTC
Aba Ifeoma, Beekeeper at D-Town Farm
David Mukomana, President at Apimondia Regional Commission for Africa
Mukamba Watongoka Michel, Coordinator at Worldwide Initiative for Development/Hands for the little and
CEO of Kivu Amani Technology
Robert Mutisi, Lead Director at Working for Bees
Karanja Famadou, Beekeeper at D-Town Farm