Congo Week 2024

Events Calendar

The Dangers of Artisanal Mining in Congo’s Cobalt Mines
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 10:00am - 11:30am


Millions of Congolese are engaged in artisanal or small-scale mining throughout the Congo and across sectors ranging from gold, diamond, coltan, tin, copper, cobalt and other minerals. Millions more are dependent on frontline artisanal miners for their livelihood. Recently, a great deal of focus has been placed on artisanal miners in the copper and cobalt region of the Congo. The forum will feature artisanal miners directly involved in small scale mining in the Congo to share their account of what life is like working as an artisanal miner in precarious conditions in the old Katanga province in the DR Congo.

Moderator: De Wayne Boyd, Vice President Coopagel DRC
Guest: Bernard Mulenda, CEO of ValeurAfrica and Actions for Development (ADA)