Congo Week 2024

Events Calendar

Manufacturing Hate: How Africa was demonized in Western media
Friday, October 22, 2021, 12:00pm - 01:30pm

Zoom: Click here to register!

Asset 46


To order "Manufacturing Hate How Africa Was Demonized In Western Media" please go to Kendall Hunt Publishing Co by clicking the below link:

Some Reviews of the book:

"Overall, this is an outstanding work of scholarship, and one that should be read by undergraduates and students enrolled in studies of journalism and communications generally, as well as by the general public."--Review of African Political Economy.

"In this disturbing and compelling account of Western media’s inglorious coverage of Africa, John Jay College adjunct professor and Black Star News publisher Allimadi reveals how 'Demonization of Africans was the handmaiden of conquest and colonization' and shows how reporters at distinguished publications manufactured 'stereotypical racist representations' of Africans that persist to this day."--Kirkus Reviews.