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The Congo Beehive Coalition recently conducted a site visit to a Twa community in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The community was displaced from their traditional land to a new location where they are trying to eke out a living. The Coalition has proposed beekeeping as a means to render the community self-sufficent and sustainable.
The Coalition members discovered the following challenges during their site visit:
• Free movement of Indigenous community is complex and costly.
• Villages are far apart.
• Target stakeholders for beekeeping training have widened to include women, men, and youth from both Pygmy and Bantu communities.
• Funds are needed to purchase hygiene kits for menstruating women and girls in Rusayo1 displacement camp.
• Hives cannot be set up in the villages due to the lack of forested land nearby, and the use of space in the forest will have to be negotiated with landowners.
The speakers will share how they plan to collaborate with the Twa community to tackle the above challenges. In addition, they will share with the audience how they can support the Twa community. The Coalition has already launched a GoFundMe campaign that you can support and share. Click here to support the GoFundMe campaign.
Aba Ifeoma, Beekeeper at D-Town Farm
David Mukomana, President at Apimondia Regional Commission for Africa
Mukamba Watongoka Michel, Coordinator at Worldwide Initiative for Development/Hands for the little and
CEO of Kivu Amani Technology
Robert Mutisi, Lead Director at Working for Bees
Karanja Famadou, Beekeeper at D-Town Farm