Congo Week 2024

Events Calendar

Congo in Harlem Opening Reception
Saturday, October 14, 2023, 07:00pm - 10:00pm

The opening reception of the fifteenth annual presentation of Congo in Harlem will feature renowned Congolese filmmaker, Petna Ndaliko Katondolo. Petna is from the Yira circle of belonging. He is a descendant of the Basukali clan from Masereka and Kitamiaka lands in the eastern part of today’s Democratic Republic of the Congo. As a Ndaliko (sacred space), he is a memory keeper and a storyteller with the Elephant kinship spirit.

Petna will engage in an interactive exchange with the Harlem community on the notion of ancestral ecology, the theme of his latest film project, Basandja. Basandja is a Topoke word that expresses a traditional code of conduct for caring for the environment and ensuring balance between living beings.

Participants will be immersed in Congolese culture through music, dance, art, discussion and food. We look forward to your joining this resplendent kick off of Congo in Harlem 15.

Registration: Coming Soon!